Wednesday, November 30, 2022

 How to get over a breakup? Magical ways

 How to get over a breakup? Magical ways

In rituals related to the desire to distance someone or something from us, we use the black candle, because it is the candle itself that has this effect. The simplest ritual is to cut that energetic bond that further connects us to the person who left us. Unfortunately, this ritual is simple only in theory, as it requires a lot of concentration and willpower - we have to clear our mind, meditate for a long time to finally imagine this connecting thread and cut it. It is important, however, that we really stay focused and properly visualize this action. Sometimes it will be necessary to repeat this ritual several times, or even more physically cut the bond. Instead of just imagining the act of cutting itself, we can cut it in the air with a pendulum or a rock crystal. Attributes, of course, need to be washed with cold water afterwards to prevent them from taking on negative energy.

Therapist Colin Tipping suggests another way of dealing with a breakup, namely Radical Forgiveness. This is based on the idea that we will only be able to forget when we get rid of the negative emotions. So it is not enough to cut ties with a particular person if anger or regret remains in us, paralyzing us from opening up to the future. We need to look at the injustice that happened to us from a much broader perspective. There is a meaning to everything, maybe we will meet someone who will be the love of our lives, which would never have happened if we were stuck further in a previous relationship. Every suffering is also a lesson that will enrich us forever, and according to karmic law, after suffering will come happiness. So there's no need to wallow in excessive grief, just accept that life consists of both ups and downs.

Some people to get rid of their negative emotions shout, cry or throw things - it actually has a very good effect. We throw out what makes us angry in a short period of time and regain our composure after a while. A more subtle but equally effective way is to draw a mandala. A mandala is a symbol that is a combination of a circle, or what is transcendent, spiritual, and a square - what is earthly, bodily. The very act of creating a mandala in Tantric Buddhism replaces meditation. When creating a mandala, our consciousness comes to the fore, we should do it mechanically, not consciously choose colors or pattern, but let our emotions and thoughts reflect in the mandala. With each successive pattern, they will become calmer, and so will our emotions. However, we must not forget that creating a mandala is only half of the meditation - the other is the destruction of the mandala. We burn the piece of paper with our symbol on it, so that everything bad goes away from us along with the smoke. If we don't feel up to creating a mandala, we can simply write our emotions on a piece of paper and then burn it, just as we would do with a mandala. The effect will be similar, although weaker, so you will have to repeat the ritual more times.

It is also good to perform a ritual to comfort our broken heart, so not only cutting ties with a former partner, but fully restoring peace of mind. In this ritual, symbolic ties will also be cut, but the main reason for performing it will be to regain harmony, so we will not use a black candle, but a blue and pink one. The pink one is supposed to open us a chance for new love, and the blue one - symbolizing contact with the beyond - will give us the support of good spirits in this ritual. We write the name of the person who wronged us on the candles, tie the candles with a green ribbon, light them and begin to meditate. Out loud, we say goodbye to our partner and cut the ribbon. We meditate until the whole candles are burned out, and then we bury their remains.

Each of these rituals is meant to give us peace and a chance to improve our fate. Probably the first emotion that will accompany us during the parting will be anger, but we must not give in to it. Trying to use spells against a person can turn against us, so it is better to use those rituals that will restore our inner harmony and bring us the reward of new love. In difficult situations, you can also always go to a specialist for help, then the effect of rituals will be stronger and you will get the desired result much faster.

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