Numerological Nines are usually very mature in spiritual matters, sensitive, sensitive to all the stimuli of the external world, the visible and the supra-sensory. Sometimes they have parapsychological abilities, such as clairvoyance.
Numerological Nines display deep altruism and nobility. Their special quality is the gift of wise observation. They can very quickly pick up subtle aspects of complex situations that no one else would pay attention to.
Full of energy and almost constantly active, these people highly value perfectionism. They carry out their tasks extremely meticulously and conscientiously. At the same time, they would most like to take the affairs of those around them into their own hands, and then are surprised that not everyone would be willing to accept this. After all, the issue of respect for privacy is almost sacred to many of us, and even the good intentions of numerological Nines will not change anything in this regard.
Nines can be impulsive and have a tendency to exaggerate minor issues and to be generally dramatic. The weak point of Nines is, paradoxically, their spirituality, or rather their preference for spiritual matters over earthly ones and, consequently, their weaker contact with reality. They are independent, proud people, often loners by choice. They love travelling and close contact with nature. It is this, rather than luxurious camping conditions, that allows nines to fully relax and recharge their batteries.
To feel fulfilled in their activities, the numerological Nine needs a lot of freedom in their actions. Limitations of all kinds - whether formal, technical or mental - clip the Nine's wings. Due to their great sensitivity to human injustice, the Nine is excellent material for an employee/director of a charitable organisation, any non-governmental organisation or an idealist who fights against all kinds of social injustice.
Ideal positions for them should combine contact with people with some element of helping. This could be working as a lawyer, psychologist, psychiatrist, counsellor in general. Nines are also born school trip educators and tour pilots in general. They may also consider harnessing their parapsychological abilities to serve people as well. Sometimes Nines, sensitive by nature and possibly artistically gifted, are successful in various fields of art.
Usually cheerful and talkative, Nines are also noble, always eager to help those in need, generous. This also means that they will unknowingly allow themselves to be swindled into donations by scammers of all kinds. The Nine is a very dualistic type, that is, it has, as it were, two poles of its personality. On the one hand, it is characterised by a constant thirst for knowledge, wanting to explore as many issues as possible. On the other hand, she is not drawn in by any subject for long.
Although well-liked by everyone, cheerful and rather sociable, she is somewhat detached on the inside, as if she is still preoccupied with her thoughts. Mostly enthusiastic and noble in all respects, she can reveal her inferior side by reacting in an arrogant and highly impulsive manner, or even quarrelsome, which few would suspect.
On the negative side, numerological Nines can be capricious, distrustful and mainly self-centred. Very often they do not hide their feelings or opinions, regardless of whether or not they hurt others by doing so. They are not inclined to yield or submit and, on the contrary, can come across as arrogant, unapproachable and haughty. Like probably everyone, they do not find it easy to fight the dark sides of their own character. However, they should make such an effort, then they can become a symbol of the victory of the power of the spirit over what is weaker in a person.
The numerological vibration of Nines indicates renewal and revolution. Perhaps therein lies the reason for their attitude. They are modern-day Don Quixotes, fighting for a just cause. Their involvement in larger-scale projects can make them lose their balance somewhat and invest more of their strength and energy in external matters than in issues of their private lives, such as relationships or family and home. However, it is important to recognise that when they decide to get married, they take it very seriously. They will complement each other best in this respect with the numerological Four. It will not always be easy to maintain a relationship with a Nine, as they usually have quite complex personalities.
On the other hand, in friendships, if they decide to trust, it is usually for the long term. For those they trust, they will be like a pearl - full of inner beauty that is worth guarding. At its most beautiful and complete, the numerological Nine is like a positive character from a positivist novel, fighting for the good of others. Her mission is to inspire, to show others the way, to direct them towards the Light. This is why it is no surprise that famous numerological Nines include figures such as Mahatma Ghandi or Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Friday, June 9, 2023
Characteristics of numerological nines
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