It turns out that our fingers convey certain information about us. Firstly, a little about finger length and how it relates to predisposition and character. Many people have heard that long fingers indicate an artistic disposition, and there is also talk of pianist's fingers. Who knows, maybe there really is something to it? Meanwhile, such fingers are said to attest to the accuracy of their owners. They are also said to indicate great accuracy. People with short fingers are largely practical, but also extremely energetic and strongly impatient. It is said that owners of short but sturdy fingers are not tidy enthusiasts. People with thin fingers are also said to have a diplomatic nature, a tendency towards analytical thinking and precision in action.
The way our fingers are arranged says a lot about our nature. Fingers that are stuck together indicate a tendency to be conservative in action and thinking and a reluctance to change views. According to some, the unconscious arrangement of a relaxed hand into a bowl may indicate a tendency to rapacity and stinginess. The appearance of individual fingers plays a big part in interpreting our character.
There are some who are able to deduce from the appearance of the fingers many conclusions about the character of the holder. Here they are:
Index finger - is supposed to inform us about personal and religious views. The index finger, smooth and without protruding joints, is said to indicate a high regard for material matters. When the index finger has strongly protruding joints, it would indicate an inward orientation, to the world of spirituality and mysticism. A long index finger, even equal to the middle finger, is likely to signify a desire to dominate, pride and perhaps even a tendency to behave apodictically towards others. A short index finger denotes sincerity of intention and most likely considerable impatience in action.
Middle finger - is likely to say something about its owner's attitude to work and finances. A short middle finger is said to indicate financial problems and stagnation in the professional sphere; a shovel-shaped middle finger may indicate the owner's manual skills.
The heart finger - symbolises love, which is why an engagement ring is worn on this finger. A short and curved ring finger is said to indicate the owner's criminal tendencies. If, on the other hand, the ring finger is long, it probably indicates good taste and a possible interest in art. On the other hand, an unusually large ring finger may indicate a tendency or love of gambling.
Little finger - it tells us about our ability to speak and use a pen. If the finger has a square end, the owner has probably been endowed with talents typical of the scientific mind. A short little finger probably indicates a difficulty with decision-making and a high susceptibility to suggestions from others. A long little finger is said to indicate eristic ability, a focus on the factual side of the work done and a generally strong personality. It is most often seen in lawyers, politicians and journalists.
Thumb - supposedly shows our emotions to some extent. If it remains stiff when the hand is busy, we are dealing with a very stubborn person who cannot stand opposition. Such people usually do not accept any arguments in a discussion except their own.
A busy thumb indicates a person with a cheerful, witty disposition. A short, square-ended thumb is the sign of a hard-working person with a tendency towards small-mindedness. A long thumb speaks of a tendency to perfectionism. A large thumb often belongs to a person with an established view of life that he or she is not going to change. A short and massive thumb may possibly suggest impulsiveness and a tendency to prefer material goods over spiritual ones. A thumb that is round-ended may indicate a focus on spiritual matters, a sharp-ended one on idealism, and a bladed one on artistic aptitude. Interestingly, there is a view that the greater the angle of the thumb, the greater the drive for self-reliance and independence.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
What do our hand fingers say about ourselves?
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