Numerological Sevens are people who have been generously endowed by providence. They are eminently intelligent, and are most often people with a receptive mind who begin to learn very early about the world around them. It is very possible that they have a predisposition to deal with parapsychology, e.g. they have outstanding intuition even approaching the gift of clairvoyance.
Sevens are often introverts, reluctant to show their emotions. However, it can certainly be said of them that their passion is knowledge. They will not rest until they have got to the heart of the matter they are interested in. They will consistently and persistently seek answers to the questions that plague them. Therefore, if you want to stumble across a Sev that interests you, go to their favourite library.
It must be said that Sevens are individualists who often stand by their opinions. They can be loners by chance or sometimes by choice. They can have a reputation for being close-minded intellectuals, which is partly true, albeit somewhat unfair to Sevens. They are not usually just looking for company by force, and they are not afraid of loneliness. It is conducive to all sorts of pondering. Sevens believe that such a partial abandonment of the hustle and bustle of the world, serves to develop a person's personality. Who knows, maybe there is some truth in this? After all, every day we are bombarded, inundated with a lot of quite unnecessary information. Sometimes it's worth just taking a step back, switching off the mobile phone and laptop and thinking quietly.
Sevens are among the most mysterious of all numerological vibrations. Close-minded, they find it rather difficult to make new friends, and if they do, it is likely to be a lifelong acquaintance. As friends, they are faithful and loyal. In fact, they feel most comfortable in the company of people of their own kind. They then allow themselves to step out of their armour. An armour which, although it may seem impenetrable to others, is actually there to protect the Sevens from the world. The biggest and most difficult challenge for people with this numerological vibration is the issue of opening up to others. This is because on the negative side, Sevens can become extremely coarse, self-centred. This does not make contact with others any easier. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to restrain the Sevens' tendency towards isolation somewhat.
By succumbing to the negative aspects of the numerological vibration, Sevens can unconsciously take a step towards immersion in illusion. They may have a predisposition to seek an escape from a reality they do not accept. From this, destructive addictions such as alcoholism, drug or sex addiction are born.
What do Sevens hide under the cloak of inaccessibility? In fact, they are highly sensitive people who have imposed such high expectations on themselves that they are often unable to meet them. This can cause frustration and additional complexes (which the Seven probably hides behind a mask of indifference). Perfection in every respect and at all costs - this could be the life motto of Sevens. Perfectionism, however, is not an attitude that promotes enjoyment of life. On the contrary, it leaves one feeling constantly unfulfilled, unsatisfied. The cure for this is very often a warm, cordial contact with someone who really understands the Seven, most often it is just another Seven.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Characteristics of numerological sevens
Friday, July 21, 2023
Characteristics of numerological fives
Numerological Fives are extremely creative people, yet at the same time irrepressible and changeable, hungry for excitement and ever-new experiences. They are definitely the opposite of homemakers - they are constantly rushing into the unknown. They are creators, propagators of new ideas and solutions. Above all, they value freedom both in their professional and private lives. That is why they will not allow rigid frameworks and limitations to be imposed on them. They are interested in a multitude of things and do not focus on one particular area. As is well known, the ability to focus on priority things is necessary in order not to abandon most of their affairs halfway. It is this straw enthusiasm that is the main weakness, we would say - the Achilles' heel of many, if not all, numerological Fives.
A frequent image may be of a Five surrounded by friends, staring at her as if she were a picture. Numerological Fives are a magnetising, charismatic personality type. Such people attract others, spreading a charm around them that few will be able to resist. Captivating, sensual, romantic, they are incredibly successful .
However, it has to be said that in the emotional sphere, people with the numerological vibration five are difficult partners, because of their need for independence. If pushed too far against the wall, they will rebel and most likely withdraw from a relationship or the suggestion of one. They are most likely to be happiest with another numerological Five. In other arrangements, the relationship has a chance of success, as long as the other party can give the Five the margin of freedom it needs. As is usually the case, we simply need to fully accept the other person as they are, not our idea of them.
Numerological Fives are sometimes gifted with a sharp and receptive mind, and assimilate information quickly. They are focused on the 'here and now', they are inspired by the future, not the past. They hate routine. They need change, travel, new stimuli to be happy. If this is lacking in their lives, they may feel unhappy and unfulfilled. In the case of people with a numerological vibration of five, this becomes apparent in their attitude towards others: they become unpleasant, gruff, frustrated to the core. Overwhelmed by the monotony of existence, Fives can turn from the proverbial "souls of company" into bitter loners. This will not happen if their lives are not lacking in thrills. If they don't experience it in work and everyday life, it's worthwhile to bring in that extra adrenaline with some unusual hobbies.
Life-fulfilled Fives infect others with enthusiasm and become initiators of many positive activities. This is the essence of their life, one could say - their life motto: to inspire others.
Friendly and warm towards people, they hide their sensitivity under the cover of dynamism. They are easily hurt. Fortunately, vindictiveness is not in their nature. Numerological Fives have the open-mindedness and open-heartedness inherent in children. This triggers in them a creative outlook on various issues and a novel approach to the problems encountered.
Numerological Fives make the most effective use of their strengths when working in environments that are inherently dynamic and open to change, such as show business, journalism and the PR industry. They will also feel comfortable in the role of geographer, explorer, scientist-researcher, inventor or tester of the latest prototypes in the aerospace or automotive industries. People with the numerological vibration mentioned are also 'born' film and theatre producers, reporters (e.g. war reporters), athletes, detectives, secret agents and seasoned politicians.
On the negative side, numerological Fives may have a tendency to be too profligate and to start projects that they do not finish, preoccupied with new challenges all the time. However, if they change their behaviour, nothing will be impossible for them.
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Characteristics of numerological 77
Another of the vibrations that heralds the ascent to the path of wisdom. Such a person is characterised not only by intelligence, but also by an innate calmness and meticulousness that allow for a constant expansion of knowledge. It is these qualities that are most characteristic of seventy-sevens. What allows them to achieve success in the field of science is diligence. With perseverance and hard work, they conquer their goal.
By doing so, they also shape themselves - they work on their character as well as their value system. They are people who believe that nothing is given in advance, but has to be earned. The wisdom they possess is not only related to knowledge and science, but to the ability to make sensible decisions and use reason in life situations. He is someone who knows how to behave in every situation. When needed, he is serious, composed and firm, but when you can he turns out to have a sense of humour. He also values freedom, but is aware that living in society, freedom has certain limits. Freedom is important to him, but he has no problem with conforming to rules, on the contrary he is a supporter of order and setting norms.
The goal he slowly and systematically pursues is related to his life philosophy - one must leave something of oneself in the Universe. Thus, they can become not only scientists but also spiritual leaders, the important thing being to excel in their chosen role and achieve something extraordinary. Seventy-sevens are not concerned with fame or material gain, of course they can achieve high social status through their diligence and dedication to a cause, but this will never be their main goal.
This inner, natural wisdom that lies within the seventy-seven can reveal itself as a talent in divination or inspired teaching. Often this wisdom means a connection with the power of the universe and then a person with this vibration has the chance to transmit his knowledge through what he does. Then the best medium becomes art - spiritualised, uninhibited, not subject to any norms. It brings enlightenment to its audience. There is a chance for this to happen when a person with a vibration of 77 is more receptive to that part of their nature responsible for the desire for freedom.
The seventy-seven rarely goes to extremes, for its main characteristic is precisely self-control, but it can happen that, relying on its inspired actions, it approaches excessive rebellion and chaos. There is also a second danger when it comes to exploiting the possibilities of this vibration. The hard work involved is very much in the ability to seize opportunities. The Universe helps the seventy-seven to pass on its philosophy, but if such a person does not make an effort to seek out and explore these traces, their gift will be wasted.
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