The ideal relationship is every man's dream. In a partner we want not only a lover, but also a best friend, someone who understands us perfectly and will always be a support. Such a relationship is possible when there is an energetic balance between two people.
Each person in the relationship has to give and take equally, so that the energies of the partners will amplify each other. This will make one feel safe with such a person, even if there is a worse time, the world is unfavourable, one will find happiness and security in the arms of a loved one. Unfortunately, even when we have found such a person, it does not mean that things will always be perfect in a relationship. Even the best-matched couples quarrel and experience difficult moments. All you have to do is not give up and fight for your beloved. Of course, magic can help.
But don't forget that magic can only help, not bring about radical change. If we assume that we will change everything in our partner and then he will be perfect for us, then we are doomed to failure in advance, such a relationship will not stand a chance. An ideal relationship is one in which we have mutual acceptance. We have to tolerate not only the faults of a particular person, but the whole environment that is associated with that person - family, friendships, objects. We will probably never like our partner's ex-wife, but we cannot see her as an enemy or, worse still, pretend that she does not exist at all. It's not about tolerating everything; flaws can be worked on, after all. However, no one is perfect and improving yourself has to work both ways.
Before we start trying to change our partner, let's start with ourselves. Let's look at ourselves as objectively as possible, as if through another person's eyes. The saying "love is blind" is true, being in love we look at the world completely differently. Our view is distorted - we judge both our partner and ourselves differently. Instead of shaping him or her according to the pattern we dream of, let us try to verify our own behaviour. Wanting a complete change for your beloved is not a good idea either, because you cannot achieve happiness by pretending to be someone else. However, small changes are an important part of maturing and shaping one's personality. If, with the help of the other person, we try to work on our flaws and try to be better people, and if we act in the same way towards our partner, then such a relationship has a chance of lasting for years.
We should also learn to control our emotions. Our emotionality has to be on a similar level as our partner's. A relationship can be negatively affected by being oversensitive and falling into extreme emotional states, as well as by a fear of expressing feelings and an excessive reluctance to commit. Meditation can help to achieve emotional harmony. We sit comfortably and concentrate, starting relaxation with deep breaths. When we are relaxed and have put all distractions out of our thoughts, we begin to imagine our emotions, giving them physical qualities. We 'arrange' such depicted emotions evenly, concentrating during this activity on arranging them according to the hierarchy of importance we profess when we are calm.
In a further stage of meditation, we imagine our aura as a large luminous ball. We look at it carefully and cleanse it of any element that contaminates it. In this way, our energy will become pure, which will not only make us feel better ourselves, but will also have a beneficial effect on our interpersonal relationships. If our energy is very contaminated, we can seek the help of a bioenergotherapist who will perform the cleansing ritual for us.
Meditation will also help us to properly assess our relationship, because, as I mentioned earlier, feeling can distort proper judgement. We need to assess not only whether we are loved, but also whether our feeling is really love. In the first stage of infatuation, it is easy to confuse love with lust. This will also allow us to judge whether we are hurting the other person, whether he or she is definitely happy with us, maybe the true proof of our affection would be to let him or her go, instead of trying to make him or her happy by force. It may also turn out that after behaving in this way, despite our fears, we ourselves will also be relieved and gain the chance for a new relationship.
If you want to rekindle the feelings between you and your partner, it is a good idea to use candles on a romantic evening. The colour you choose depends on the effect you want to achieve. For passion, a red candle and preferably jasmine incense, and for affection a pink candle. White candles will be ideal to bring harmony back into our relationship. A black or green one is worth using when we fear that certain people may want to bring chaos into our lives. A woman can additionally be gifted with rose quartz jewellery. However, all this will only help if we ourselves try to bring harmony into our relationship and our lives.
Friday, May 19, 2023
Bring back the magic in your relationship
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
How to attract love?
What man has always been looking for is love, he desires it and cannot imagine life without it, but unfortunately it is not easy to get it. One can have everything and not have love. It cannot be bought, it cannot be forced, but fortunately it can be helped a little.
Of course, helping to get love can never enter the sphere of the other person. Any coercion or manipulation of someone's affection will bring bad results, one day this evil will return to us, because karma cannot be cheated. For these reasons, we cannot consciously cause someone's relationship to break down, even if we notice their flaws and mismatches. Everyone has a role to play and to interfere is to interfere with a predetermined plan.
What we can do is open ourselves up to love. Usually love does not meet us , because we do not really want it or we are not ready for it. Love is a positive and good feeling, and such emotions will attract it. Feeling sorry for ourselves, maligning fate and thinking negatively will never attract affection. Love rituals that can help will also not work if we do not change our attitude and believe in their result. A ritual that is doubted loses its power.
When embarking on a ritual, remember that it is best to do it on Friday, the day of Venus, and when the moon is rising. One of the more popular rituals is one in which we will symbolise the union by joining two red candles together with a red ribbon. They are to be placed on some sort of stand a few centimetres apart. The red candle itself signifies love and passion, but to enhance its power, we sprinkle a little cinnamon on the base, which is known as an aphrodisiac, and we also lubricate the candles with oil, for example strawberry oil.
However, this was the easier part of any ritual, the second part (which is almost the same in every love ritual) requires us to be very focused. We need to visualise the person we love and the love that will connect us with that person. Then, but only once we have really focused well on our visualisation, we light the candles. They must burn out to the end, never going out of course. The flame itself will also say a lot about the future relationship - even and long predicts a very positive relationship. To take care of this, it is a good idea to continue to visualise the expected love while the candles are burning.
Monday, May 8, 2023
Characteristics of the numerological one
Numerological ones are imaginative, feisty and creative, their predominant characteristic being activity. They show it in their studies, work, friendship and family life, among other things. The number 1 suggests that its patrons are independent and like to decide on many things, and do not tolerate attempts to impose anything on them.
Ones are themselves "rudder, sailor, ship". That is why they often make their own decisions, and also deal with the resulting (sometimes unpleasant) consequences themselves. The numerological One is self-confidence and self-confidence. Other characteristics ascribed to this number are: lack of inhibitions, openness to new currents and experiences, self-sufficiency. Usually this number refers to people hungry for sensations and knowledge, open-minded, communicative. No wonder they are regarded as the souls of society. Ones are inherently innovative and hate routine, both at work and in the private sphere. Formalities and bureaucratic impediments are a stumbling block for them. They accept failure with honour, they show nothing, but inside they suffer. They feel better working on projects with shorter deadlines. Perseverance and patience are not necessarily the forte of the Singles. Their favourite motto - go with the flow.
Numerological Ones have a predisposition for leadership, and can also successfully realise themselves as academics. It is important that they can be creative at work. This will bring them professional fulfilment. As far as their image is concerned, Ones will look good in shades of orange and yellow. Amber and possibly diamond accessories are advisable.
Does love spell really work?
The use of herbs in love magic is an ancient and potent practice that spans across diverse cultures and magical traditions. Harnessing the n...

Voodoo, a spiritual tradition with roots in Africa and the Caribbean, encompasses a diverse range of magical practices that celebrate the co...
Love, with its transformative power and universal allure, has inspired myriad magical practices throughout history. Combining the gentle ene...
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